Web Resources

The following list contains all of the websites that can be found on this site.

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Civil War Token Society

A site devoted to the history and research of Civil War Tokens.

Confederate Coins
A personal site devoted to coins issued by the Confederate States of America.

CSA Currency Home Page
A personal site devoted to currency issued by the Confederate States of America.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Contains historical context of the Civil War as well as several images of currency. Also covers several other eras of currency history.

Major Henrick's Money page
The main page of a personal site detailing the history of Civil War currency. Contains both Confederate and Union sections.

Museum of American Financial History
This links to their Civil War history page. In-depth coverage of the period leading up to the Civil War, as well monetary, political, and societal history during the war.

North Carolina's Civil War Currency
The North Carolina Collection Gallery, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
